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ism frieda en froefroe

tina heylen, nikè moens, jan palinckx en patrick vervueren

ism frieda en froefroe

happily ever after (and they lived)

(visual theatre, 5+)


all I wanna do is ride bikes with you and stay up late and watch cartoehoens.

(the moldy peaches)


happily ever after (and they lived) is based on the children’s book het grote verlangen of sabien and dorine clement.



“frieda created a visual jewel.” (de spil roeselare)


“during an early edition of vaart, a renowned young creator festival of artforum and fABULEUS, the seed for happily ever after was planted. a performance that frieda expanded to a full and fantastic piece of puppet theatre.” (braaklandzhebilding)


“small, cute, beautiful, endearing! it’s a poetic performance with cosy puppet play, carried by emotions and wonderful music.” (jonge snaken, de werf)

patrick vervueren on the evolution of objects through different frieda projects for article)


concept: tina heylen, nikè moens, jan palinckx, patrick vervueren

play: tina heylen, jan palinkckx, nikè moens/ seppe jespers

sound: patrick vervueren

format: tina heylen, nikè moens, jan palinckx

production: frieda

in collaboration with: fabuleus, artforumvzw, froefroe



no bookings

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